I know it is long but it is a worth while read...
Dinsmore, Mark April 2, 2009
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A number of respected Christian columnists and pastors across our nation are rightly sounding an alarm at the thickening shroud of global governance descending upon our nation. With the presidentially promised "change" now being delivered, the spectre of a militarized one-world spirituality is darkening the horizon of earth under the guise of "hope" and "peace."
I understand—and share—the righteous anger over the sorry state of the church and its lackadaisical response to the evils of our time. Serious students of God's Word, however, have been long alerted to these signs: "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come..." (1 Tim 4:1; see also 2 Tim 4:3-4). Though we take some comfort that our Lord could return at any time for His Bride, it appears that even those whose blessed hope is in a pre-tribulation rapture should take heed and prepare for precipitous times ahead (1 Pt 4:12-16).
In light of increasing daily distress over our nation's economic unraveling and corporate "bailout," a number of states are introducing legislation to declare their sovereignty and withdraw from this mess, and some patriots have even called for a 2009 Continental Congress to "establish practicable strategies the People can take, en masse, to peacefully reclaim Liberty and restore Constitutional Order." Indeed, that these are "perilous times" only confirms the prophetic import of increasing global "birth pangs."
Many well-written books and DVDs document how our nation, and evangelicalism, came to this point, but this lament is not my chief concern, nor is it in suggesting a roadmap for political action. Rather, it is to articulate and apply a biblical response to the foreboding future tyranny that is prophesied (and proceeding) to unite the world in a Babel-like rebellion under Antichrist. Surprisingly, the cause and cure of our nation's decline is a controversial subject even among conservative Christians. As one columnist whom I respect recently wrote, "A real Christian patriot would never allow his country to be taken over by a gaggle of elitist goons bent on stealing his liberties...."
"Christian patriot." These two words are inextricably linked in the minds of most Americans who grew up with any kind of serious education regarding the nature of our Constitutional Republic and the faith of our Founding Fathers. The ideals of a "Christian Patriot" are indeed wonderful—to live in a nation that exalts our Creator and whose government is firmly rooted in God's Word.
But is this our earthly hope and promise, prior to Christ's return? And, is this the mission to which the church is called—to establish "one nation, under God, indivisible...?" Is this the example of our spiritual forefathers?
Consider Daniel. Consider Joseph. These courageous men (both types of Christ, among many), were subjected to all manner of trials and temptation, and yet they did not resist the enemy with force. Still, God spared them. They both rose to prominence in pagan cultures that literally worshiped demon-gods—Satan himself—in various manifestations, but did either Daniel or Joseph attempt to overthrow these empires by political persuasion? Did they stir up the faithful to stage a protest or ignite a revolution?
"That's the Old Testament!" some might protest. Then what of Paul? What of Peter? Did these equally courageous New Testament saints resist their captors with force? Did these powerful apostles of Christ start a political party to declare their independence from the pagan world in which they preached? To a man, no. All of Christ's disciples except John were martyred—and not for their "inalienable rights" to live in a country that worshiped God nor for their right to "keep and bear arms."
We have enjoyed (and oft taken for granted) the liberties afforded us at the expense of those who bled and died for our gain. This is a testament to their courage, faith, and God's grace—but does this mean that the American Revolution is a biblical example and pattern of behavior for us to follow? To my own initial confusion and dismay (as it contradicts years of conservative Christian-heritage instruction) there is not a single example in Scripture of "armed revolution" of any kind as a pattern for the church.
Remember, it is the Lord who raises up kings (both just and unjust) and allows them to dictate the rules of the land in order to bring about His will for His people (Ps 75:7; Dan 2:21; Prov 21:1); and, as we have seen in the example of Israel, "judgment must begin at the house of God" (1 Pt 4:17).
Grievously, America is ripe for judgment...and so is the church. Though it is difficult for us to "count it all joy" (James 1:2-4), the persecution and trials that are coming upon us are for the purification of God's remnant. As such, a true soldier of Christ seeks to "understand the times" (1 Chr 12:32) and prepare his household, his church, and his community—not for a revolution of might but one of heart and mind.
In fact, Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world... [else] would my servants fight" (Jn 18:36). Do not misunderstand—I am not a pacifist by strict definition. I support the Second Amendment; I'm teaching all three of my sons how to be responsible marksmen, whether for food provision or self- and family defense. But here's the difference: the right to "keep and bear arms" was not granted to us by God. If (when) our government knocks on my door and demands my weapons under threat of violence or imprisonment, would it be a biblical response to resist or "open fire!"?
Thousands of neo-Patriots cheered, as did I, when former NRA president and "Moses" actor Charleton Heston declared that the only way he would surrender his weapons is when the enemy (our own government) "pried them from [his] cold, dead, hands." But through study, prayer, and reflection, I've come to the conviction that it would be foolish to give my life for this "right" given to me by man. Though reluctantly and in the flesh, I pray that I will "render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" (Mk 12:17; Rom 13:1-7). If necessary, I'll defend my family with my life without a rifle, but we must trust in God's ability to deliver us from that "temptation," or trial, when it comes (Ps 22:4; James 1:2-4).
My fear today is that if Christians answer a "call to arms" to fight whatever totalitarian regime is being plotted (in preparation for Antichrist), then godly men will be imprisoned or die, leaving women and children behind to be ravaged both physically and spiritually. Going down in a "blaze of glory" like the Revolutionary "heroes" sounds good to our own flesh, but if we are dead men, how can we minister the gospel under whatever pagan ruler or communist culture rises to replace our Constitutional Republic?
We are in a spiritual battle, but we must choose on which hill we are willing to die. Dying for Nationalistic Pride or even for our "Rights" is not the same as dying for the cause of Christ. Far better for godly men to survive in a pagan nation and submit to rule of law (which God ordains) and to subsist by His Word—unless (or until) we are asked to bow down and worship a false god. Such an affront would still not be cause to take up arms. In the life-and-death trial of the fiery furnace, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah did not go into the flames as "National Patriots," willing to die for their "Bill of Rights," nor did they offer any physical resistance to their captors. Like Christ's, theirs was a peaceful obedience and demonstration of submission to God, who alone is able to save (Dan 3:17-18; James 4:12; Heb 7:25).
Does this mean, as some brethren suggest, that I am weak, unfaithful, or lazy? Does it mean that I am consigned to our nation's "fate"? No! On the contrary, I am reminded that "we wrestle not against flesh and blood," which causes me to re-focus God's precious resources of time and energy on eternal things—not on fulfilling the "American Dream" for myself and my posterity, nor on establishing God's "kingdom now." Rather, we must earnestly set about "redeeming the time" (Eph 5:16) with renewed fervor to preach the gospel and make disciples—not for an earthly hope of heaven here, but with an eye on his kingdom to come (Christ's eternal kingdom). Scripture is clear that this present terrestrial globe "shall melt with fervent heat...and the works that are therein shall be burned up" (2 Pt 3:10). That includes every church building, every mansion, every monument, every false god, and every political power structure built or imagined by mankind—whether Democrat or Republican, Communist or "Christian."
Scripture tells us that "peace on earth, goodwill to men" (Lk 2:14) cannot come until Christ rules and reigns on earth. As Christians, we should protect and defend human life wherever we are. We should never deny Christ in order to save our lives, but to throw ourselves in front of an advancing tank that threatens our "Constitutional" liberties would only crush and silence our voice for God, and would do nothing for the cause of Christ.
Even John Adams acknowledged that it is fruitless to force "biblical government" upon an "immoral people," hell-bent on conspiracy against their Creator. In spite of the courageous speeches and admirable acts of our Revolutionary heroes like Paul Revere, was theirs a biblical response? Or, is the Apostle Paul our model of Christ, when he said, "Therefore I endure [suffer] all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory" (2 Tim 2:10).
These are difficult issues that one must prayerfully work through. May our Lord continue to sharpen us all for His glory and His purpose, "having done all, to stand" (Eph 6:13) and, as He commanded, "Occupy till I come" (Lk 19:13)—doing so not in a passive state but in a state of action for the gospel and cause of Christ. "He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Rev 22:20).
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Friday, May 8, 2009
Its more than a name...
Seven Men Named Jesus - This Week’s Feature Article by Jack Kelley –
Below are 7 descriptions of men named Jesus. The name's are the same but the descriptions vary widely. Which one do you know?
1-Jesus of Judaism: He’s known in Jewish writings as the illegitimate son of Miriam (Mary). He lived in the first century CE (they don’t use AD) and led people away from main stream Judaism into a cult. His followers were first called Netzerim (people of the branch) and later Christians. In his name Jews have been persecuted unmercifully over the centuries. Jews who admit to believing He was their Messiah are often considered dead to their families. Jews don’t believe in a second coming because they don’t believe there’s been a first one.
2-Jesus of Islam: He was a prophet and teacher on a par with Mohammed. His role was to help prepare people for the great leader from Allah coming at the end of time to judge the world. He was born of a virgin but was not the son of God because the Quran says “God begets not, nor is he begotten.” He didn’t die for the sins of the people because in Islam salvation comes from good works. Neither was he resurrected. Instead, in a time of confusion God took him live into heaven and someone else was crucified. He will return at the end of the age to defeat the anti-Christ, call everyone to Islam, and prepare the world for judgment.
3-Jesus of Mormonism: He's the spirit brother of Lucifer. Both are sons of a god who was once a man and one of his many wives. This Jesus became a human as the result of a sexual union between the Mormon god and an unmarried Jewish girl named Mary. He’s often called the Savior but never Lord, because although he’s one of god’s sons, he’s not god. If he determines that you’ve done everything you possibly can to earn your own salvation and are still short, he’ll graciously make up the difference. He’ll return at the End of the Age, having protected his saints through the time of Great Tribulation, to set up his kingdom.
4- Jesus of Jehovah’s Witnesses: He’s a son of Jehovah, but He’s not God. Rather, he was a perfect man just like Adam originally was. Before he became a man he was the Archangel Michael, who The Witnesses believe to be Jehovah’s first created being. Just believing in Jesus is not enough to save us. we also have to become a Jehovah’s Witness, be baptized, and obey God’s laws all of our life to prove ourselves worthy. Their Jesus wasn’t physically resurrected, but came back to life in Spirit form. He returned to Earth in Spirit form in 1914 and will become a physical being again at Armageddon.
5- Jesus of the liberal denominations: He’s a first century man who lived an exemplary life of such gentleness and grace that it was almost as if he was God. He’ll see that everyone who joins their denominations gets accepted into heaven whether they’re born again or not. Some proponents of liberal theology claim that he’ll also see that everyone who was sincere in whatever other religion they practiced will get to heaven too. For the most part, liberal denominations don’t believe in the literal fulfillment of End Time events. For many, the 2nd Coming happened to each person when they first believed in Jesus.
6- Jesus of the New Age: He's really one of the oldest. He originally appeared in first century Gnosticism. This Jesus was a man who like 40 other “ascended masters” holds the key to knowledge (gnosis) that when learned will bring about the next phase of human evolution, a spiritual growth that will finally make peace on earth possible. He didn’t die for our sins because there’s no need for us to be saved. You’ll find variations on these six themes in nearly every major religion and cult around today. It seems every body wants you to think they know a man named Jesus, even if they have to redefine him to suit their beliefs.
7- Jesus of the Bible: He's not a created being. On the contrary He is our Creator. As Paul wrote in Colossians 1:16, By him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He’s not an angel and he’s not a mere man, because He created both. The archangel Michael might be the first created being, but if he is, Jesus is the one who created him. And Lucifer may have many brothers, but if he does, Jesus created them all. This is the Jesus of the Bible. He claimed to be God in the form of man (John 10:30 and 14:9). Men who knew Him agreed. Paul taught the Deity of Jesus in Colossians 1:15-16. So did John (John 1:1-3). The writer of the Book of Hebrews also agreed (Hebr 1:3) and included a quote from Psalm 45:6-7 that shows God Himself addressing Jesus as God (Hebr 1:8). And this is not just a New Testament idea. In his prophecy of the Messiah’s birthplace, Micah said He was an eternal being whose goings forth were from days of eternity. Literally from before time and perpetual. (Micah 5:2) He is the eternal God. Here’s where your knowledge of Scripture becomes really important, because in order to be all the Bible claims, Jesus has to be both 100% man and 100% God. If He isn’t a man He couldn’t have been made like us in every way and suffered our temptations as Hebr. 2:17-18 claim; he couldn’t be our High Priest as Hebr. 4:14-15 assert; and he can’t be our redeemer because he wouldn’t be our next of kin as required by Lev. 25:47-48 and explained in Rom 5:18-19. If He isn’t God He couldn’t be King David’s Lord (Matt 22:41-45) He couldn’t be sinless (Rom 3:20) and He couldn’t be our Savior (Mark 2:6-12 and 1 Ptr 1: 18-21). Is This a Cult? Three things distinguish Christian cult beliefs from orthodox theology. The cults deny the doctrine of salvation by grace alone. You have to earn at least part of the salvation they offer. They also deny the notion of eternal punishment for sin. Everyone goes to some kind of Heaven. And most importantly, they deny the deity of Jesus. They portray Him as a great man and role model; a great teacher, a prophet, even a social revolutionary, but certainly not God. In truth Jesus was all of that. But He was also much more. He was God in the form of man; the Father dwelling in the Son (Col 1:19). To think of Jesus as anyone other than God is to reject the truth concerning Him revealed throughout His Word, and to put yourself at risk of trusting in the wrong Jesus for your eternal destiny.
The Jesus of the Bible is the only one of the seven men named Jesus who is able to save you. Do you Know Him???????
Below are 7 descriptions of men named Jesus. The name's are the same but the descriptions vary widely. Which one do you know?
1-Jesus of Judaism: He’s known in Jewish writings as the illegitimate son of Miriam (Mary). He lived in the first century CE (they don’t use AD) and led people away from main stream Judaism into a cult. His followers were first called Netzerim (people of the branch) and later Christians. In his name Jews have been persecuted unmercifully over the centuries. Jews who admit to believing He was their Messiah are often considered dead to their families. Jews don’t believe in a second coming because they don’t believe there’s been a first one.
2-Jesus of Islam: He was a prophet and teacher on a par with Mohammed. His role was to help prepare people for the great leader from Allah coming at the end of time to judge the world. He was born of a virgin but was not the son of God because the Quran says “God begets not, nor is he begotten.” He didn’t die for the sins of the people because in Islam salvation comes from good works. Neither was he resurrected. Instead, in a time of confusion God took him live into heaven and someone else was crucified. He will return at the end of the age to defeat the anti-Christ, call everyone to Islam, and prepare the world for judgment.
3-Jesus of Mormonism: He's the spirit brother of Lucifer. Both are sons of a god who was once a man and one of his many wives. This Jesus became a human as the result of a sexual union between the Mormon god and an unmarried Jewish girl named Mary. He’s often called the Savior but never Lord, because although he’s one of god’s sons, he’s not god. If he determines that you’ve done everything you possibly can to earn your own salvation and are still short, he’ll graciously make up the difference. He’ll return at the End of the Age, having protected his saints through the time of Great Tribulation, to set up his kingdom.
4- Jesus of Jehovah’s Witnesses: He’s a son of Jehovah, but He’s not God. Rather, he was a perfect man just like Adam originally was. Before he became a man he was the Archangel Michael, who The Witnesses believe to be Jehovah’s first created being. Just believing in Jesus is not enough to save us. we also have to become a Jehovah’s Witness, be baptized, and obey God’s laws all of our life to prove ourselves worthy. Their Jesus wasn’t physically resurrected, but came back to life in Spirit form. He returned to Earth in Spirit form in 1914 and will become a physical being again at Armageddon.
5- Jesus of the liberal denominations: He’s a first century man who lived an exemplary life of such gentleness and grace that it was almost as if he was God. He’ll see that everyone who joins their denominations gets accepted into heaven whether they’re born again or not. Some proponents of liberal theology claim that he’ll also see that everyone who was sincere in whatever other religion they practiced will get to heaven too. For the most part, liberal denominations don’t believe in the literal fulfillment of End Time events. For many, the 2nd Coming happened to each person when they first believed in Jesus.
6- Jesus of the New Age: He's really one of the oldest. He originally appeared in first century Gnosticism. This Jesus was a man who like 40 other “ascended masters” holds the key to knowledge (gnosis) that when learned will bring about the next phase of human evolution, a spiritual growth that will finally make peace on earth possible. He didn’t die for our sins because there’s no need for us to be saved. You’ll find variations on these six themes in nearly every major religion and cult around today. It seems every body wants you to think they know a man named Jesus, even if they have to redefine him to suit their beliefs.
7- Jesus of the Bible: He's not a created being. On the contrary He is our Creator. As Paul wrote in Colossians 1:16, By him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He’s not an angel and he’s not a mere man, because He created both. The archangel Michael might be the first created being, but if he is, Jesus is the one who created him. And Lucifer may have many brothers, but if he does, Jesus created them all. This is the Jesus of the Bible. He claimed to be God in the form of man (John 10:30 and 14:9). Men who knew Him agreed. Paul taught the Deity of Jesus in Colossians 1:15-16. So did John (John 1:1-3). The writer of the Book of Hebrews also agreed (Hebr 1:3) and included a quote from Psalm 45:6-7 that shows God Himself addressing Jesus as God (Hebr 1:8). And this is not just a New Testament idea. In his prophecy of the Messiah’s birthplace, Micah said He was an eternal being whose goings forth were from days of eternity. Literally from before time and perpetual. (Micah 5:2) He is the eternal God. Here’s where your knowledge of Scripture becomes really important, because in order to be all the Bible claims, Jesus has to be both 100% man and 100% God. If He isn’t a man He couldn’t have been made like us in every way and suffered our temptations as Hebr. 2:17-18 claim; he couldn’t be our High Priest as Hebr. 4:14-15 assert; and he can’t be our redeemer because he wouldn’t be our next of kin as required by Lev. 25:47-48 and explained in Rom 5:18-19. If He isn’t God He couldn’t be King David’s Lord (Matt 22:41-45) He couldn’t be sinless (Rom 3:20) and He couldn’t be our Savior (Mark 2:6-12 and 1 Ptr 1: 18-21). Is This a Cult? Three things distinguish Christian cult beliefs from orthodox theology. The cults deny the doctrine of salvation by grace alone. You have to earn at least part of the salvation they offer. They also deny the notion of eternal punishment for sin. Everyone goes to some kind of Heaven. And most importantly, they deny the deity of Jesus. They portray Him as a great man and role model; a great teacher, a prophet, even a social revolutionary, but certainly not God. In truth Jesus was all of that. But He was also much more. He was God in the form of man; the Father dwelling in the Son (Col 1:19). To think of Jesus as anyone other than God is to reject the truth concerning Him revealed throughout His Word, and to put yourself at risk of trusting in the wrong Jesus for your eternal destiny.
The Jesus of the Bible is the only one of the seven men named Jesus who is able to save you. Do you Know Him???????
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Letter O........
Here are 10 things I like that start with the letter O....
Orion- (The Constellation)
OkeeFenokee Swamp
Oregon Coast
Optical Illusions
Opinions- (MINE)
Oranges - ( 1 of 10 fruits ;p )
Orion- (The Constellation)
OkeeFenokee Swamp
Oregon Coast
Optical Illusions
Opinions- (MINE)
Oranges - ( 1 of 10 fruits ;p )
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Awake, Sleeper....
Awake, Sleeper...........
I know its strange to say but I have had dreams that from time to time have come to pass in one way or another I wanted to share one of these dreams...
I had the dream while still in High School sometime in 1990-92. I was walking down a bricked tunnel it was dark and wet and at the end of the tunnel was a old wooden door I open the door and was blinded by the light shining on the other side. It was so bright it woke me up. I still remember that dream clearly...
From then on I had a longing for that something on the other side of the door.
I spent the first half of my adult life searching and looking for that thing that would bring fullfillment completeness and end to the searching. My sister gave me a journal shortly after I graduted high school. I remember looking back through it after years of writing in it. And there was a common theme through those years that kept repeating.... " I felt something was just around the corner, it seemed I was at the door or close to breaking through"...
In 2001 I opened the door and I realized then I had it all backwards. I wasn't seeking I was hiding. I was hiding from the truth that we all know deep down, but in one way or another we all seem to try and drown it out, hide, or pretend its not there. The Truth and Light had found me, this Light that showed me myself was Jesus...
As I stood there exposed by the Light, the weight of my guilt and shame brought me to a place of brokeness. For the first time I didn't try to justify myself, I didn't try to ignor and run from what I saw and felt. I just stood there and listened to the WORD of God as it wash my heart.......
I heard that God loved me not because of who I am, what I have done, or how good I was.
He loved me because, God is LOVE. It is who He is, we can't earn it we can only accept or reject it... He showed me this Love by taking my sin and shame upon himself and I let Him... in return he gave me LIFE and I accepted it....
I didn't know at the time what all that meant and still don't fully understand how he could forgive me, but what I do know is that I was cleansed and set free from that darkness, that heaviness of my shame........I was FORGIVEN....... and now I know that I need Him. I can do nothing apart from Him, but with Christ all things are possible. He is the HOPE I hold on to.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock;if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with Me."
Revelation 3:20
"you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of the light." Ephesians 5:8
" But all things become visible when they exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light..."Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time , because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:13-16
I know its strange to say but I have had dreams that from time to time have come to pass in one way or another I wanted to share one of these dreams...
I had the dream while still in High School sometime in 1990-92. I was walking down a bricked tunnel it was dark and wet and at the end of the tunnel was a old wooden door I open the door and was blinded by the light shining on the other side. It was so bright it woke me up. I still remember that dream clearly...
From then on I had a longing for that something on the other side of the door.
I spent the first half of my adult life searching and looking for that thing that would bring fullfillment completeness and end to the searching. My sister gave me a journal shortly after I graduted high school. I remember looking back through it after years of writing in it. And there was a common theme through those years that kept repeating.... " I felt something was just around the corner, it seemed I was at the door or close to breaking through"...
In 2001 I opened the door and I realized then I had it all backwards. I wasn't seeking I was hiding. I was hiding from the truth that we all know deep down, but in one way or another we all seem to try and drown it out, hide, or pretend its not there. The Truth and Light had found me, this Light that showed me myself was Jesus...
As I stood there exposed by the Light, the weight of my guilt and shame brought me to a place of brokeness. For the first time I didn't try to justify myself, I didn't try to ignor and run from what I saw and felt. I just stood there and listened to the WORD of God as it wash my heart.......
I heard that God loved me not because of who I am, what I have done, or how good I was.
He loved me because, God is LOVE. It is who He is, we can't earn it we can only accept or reject it... He showed me this Love by taking my sin and shame upon himself and I let Him... in return he gave me LIFE and I accepted it....
I didn't know at the time what all that meant and still don't fully understand how he could forgive me, but what I do know is that I was cleansed and set free from that darkness, that heaviness of my shame........I was FORGIVEN....... and now I know that I need Him. I can do nothing apart from Him, but with Christ all things are possible. He is the HOPE I hold on to.
"Behold, I stand at the door and knock;if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with Me."
Revelation 3:20
"you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of the light." Ephesians 5:8
" But all things become visible when they exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light..."Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time , because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:13-16
Monday, March 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Moochy

Moochy is 5 today.... (I call her moochy because she always gives me hugs and smooches and Carmell would never think to claim this name...) Everyone says they grow up so fast. I have come to find out that yes, this is true.
A memory about her birth...
A memory about her birth...
Mercy is such a special girl she had me wraped around her finger the moment she was born.
I remember just walking out of the operating room with her not a care at all for her poor mother laying belly open on the table.....Sorry honey..:). I didn't think Carmell should hold my baby right away because she would hurt her....After we brought her home I would fly out of bed if i heard her cry or make a strange noise...I still fly out of bed in the middle of the night if I hear her crying... Ok, I admit I might be a little overprotective.
The most fun I had with her...
Last year we went fishing for Pink Salmon together and that little girl with her bright orange trout pole caught 5 Pinks(with a little help) and a dolly varden by herself. she was so proud that she would tell everyone who ask that she had caught 5,000 humpy's that day... maybe a little bit of an exageration but true fishergirl for sure.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Ice Trucker.....
I was driving home from Seward today and there was a accident that blocked the road after 1 1/2 hrs of sitting and waiting the State Troopers came around and said the only way around is across Longmere Lake I can't make you go but heres how to get there.....
So after thinking of every scenerio of how my van would go crashing through the ice I did it, I became a ice trucker for about 3 min.... They had a two lane road plowed across the lake with traffic going both ways this was a first for me. What a place to live where and emergency detour is across a frozen lake.
So after thinking of every scenerio of how my van would go crashing through the ice I did it, I became a ice trucker for about 3 min.... They had a two lane road plowed across the lake with traffic going both ways this was a first for me. What a place to live where and emergency detour is across a frozen lake.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I was driving home from Anchorage today listening to talk radio. I get so mad about what is going on with things it makes me sick!!! I stopped listening to the news because it gets me so discouraged with the direction this country and the world are heading and how it is going to affect my children and our future. Then I remembered something.......
" Vanity of Vainty! all is Vainity a chasing after the wind."
How quickly I forget and we all do, that all this we see is meaningless and of no lasting value.
Jesus said, "come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest..."
So "The conclusion when all as been heard is: Fear God and keep his commandments. For God will bring every act to judgement..." Ecclesiastes12:13-14.
" Vanity of Vainty! all is Vainity a chasing after the wind."
How quickly I forget and we all do, that all this we see is meaningless and of no lasting value.
Jesus said, "come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest..."
So "The conclusion when all as been heard is: Fear God and keep his commandments. For God will bring every act to judgement..." Ecclesiastes12:13-14.
Monday, February 9, 2009
A little more than 25 things....
It seems to be the latest thing and since my wife asked me to here are more than 25 things about me....
1-We have moved 7 times in 6 years of marriage....if anyone has been thinking of visiting you better hurry.... Some think I have a little gypsy in my blood???
2-Like my sister Emily, I too fell into a great career. It has allowed me to live everywhere Iwanted to live.
3-Wet asphalt and cow manure both remind me of growing up.
4- And, I like the smell of them both....This is something me and my Carmell have in common...
5- Mercy, thinks I am handsome and tells me all the time....
6- I have always had a dream to write a book.
7- I keep a journal.... I think everyone should.
8-I know the meaning of Life.... Really I do...
9-I like to be alone...sometimes
10-I have been beat by all my girls at WII boxing.... ( I still have never beat any of them)
11- My favorite thing about my wife is her thoughtfulness.
12-After 13 years I can play the guitar and sing.... only 2 songs but still it progress...
13- My favorite game is Risk.... I have a secret desire to rule the world.
14- I have more gray hair than most people 65...
15- Jesus touched my life and I haven't been the same since....
16- I enjoy being a Daddy.....
17 -I hate to buy things... I would rather think about it, want it, complain I don't have it, than buy it and realize I shouldn't have done that....it seems to happens everytime.
18-I inherited my Mom's feet.....and somebodies chicken legs?????
19-I have moved 24 times since in 16 years....there may be something to that gypsy blood???
20-I have a neat finger trick.
21-I have always wanted to live in Alaska, now I do.....I don't know were to go next any suggestions???
22-I love to play games.
23-I am blessed.
24-I love to look at the stars...They put me in my place.
25-My wifes Apple pie is my favorite dessert....
26-I like to give Hi-Fives as a form of praise.
27-I perfer Blogs and do not have a Facebook account.
29- I have the most beautiful woman as my wife.
1-We have moved 7 times in 6 years of marriage....if anyone has been thinking of visiting you better hurry.... Some think I have a little gypsy in my blood???
2-Like my sister Emily, I too fell into a great career. It has allowed me to live everywhere Iwanted to live.
3-Wet asphalt and cow manure both remind me of growing up.
4- And, I like the smell of them both....This is something me and my Carmell have in common...
5- Mercy, thinks I am handsome and tells me all the time....
6- I have always had a dream to write a book.
7- I keep a journal.... I think everyone should.
8-I know the meaning of Life.... Really I do...
9-I like to be alone...sometimes
10-I have been beat by all my girls at WII boxing.... ( I still have never beat any of them)
11- My favorite thing about my wife is her thoughtfulness.
12-After 13 years I can play the guitar and sing.... only 2 songs but still it progress...
13- My favorite game is Risk.... I have a secret desire to rule the world.
14- I have more gray hair than most people 65...
15- Jesus touched my life and I haven't been the same since....
16- I enjoy being a Daddy.....
17 -I hate to buy things... I would rather think about it, want it, complain I don't have it, than buy it and realize I shouldn't have done that....it seems to happens everytime.
18-I inherited my Mom's feet.....and somebodies chicken legs?????
19-I have moved 24 times since in 16 years....there may be something to that gypsy blood???
20-I have a neat finger trick.
21-I have always wanted to live in Alaska, now I do.....I don't know were to go next any suggestions???
22-I love to play games.
23-I am blessed.
24-I love to look at the stars...They put me in my place.
25-My wifes Apple pie is my favorite dessert....
26-I like to give Hi-Fives as a form of praise.
27-I perfer Blogs and do not have a Facebook account.
29- I have the most beautiful woman as my wife.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Opening Day...
I have decided that the time has come to start my own blog. After a couple of minor confrontations on what to post and not to post on the family blog, I thought it best that you all should have my unfiltered view on things. So today is "Opening Day" for me and my blog.
So brace your self for the upcoming wisdom, insight, and humor sure to come from Pauls Perspective..... :)
So brace your self for the upcoming wisdom, insight, and humor sure to come from Pauls Perspective..... :)
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