Moochy is 5 today.... (I call her moochy because she always gives me hugs and smooches and Carmell would never think to claim this name...) Everyone says they grow up so fast. I have come to find out that yes, this is true.
A memory about her birth...
A memory about her birth...
Mercy is such a special girl she had me wraped around her finger the moment she was born.
I remember just walking out of the operating room with her not a care at all for her poor mother laying belly open on the table.....Sorry honey..:). I didn't think Carmell should hold my baby right away because she would hurt her....After we brought her home I would fly out of bed if i heard her cry or make a strange noise...I still fly out of bed in the middle of the night if I hear her crying... Ok, I admit I might be a little overprotective.
The most fun I had with her...
Last year we went fishing for Pink Salmon together and that little girl with her bright orange trout pole caught 5 Pinks(with a little help) and a dolly varden by herself. she was so proud that she would tell everyone who ask that she had caught 5,000 humpy's that day... maybe a little bit of an exageration but true fishergirl for sure.
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