Monday, February 9, 2009

A little more than 25 things....

It seems to be the latest thing and since my wife asked me to here are more than 25 things about me....

1-We have moved 7 times in 6 years of marriage....if anyone has been thinking of visiting you better hurry.... Some think I have a little gypsy in my blood???
2-Like my sister Emily, I too fell into a great career. It has allowed me to live everywhere Iwanted to live.
3-Wet asphalt and cow manure both remind me of growing up.
4- And, I like the smell of them both....This is something me and my Carmell have in common...
5- Mercy, thinks I am handsome and tells me all the time....
6- I have always had a dream to write a book.
7- I keep a journal.... I think everyone should.
8-I know the meaning of Life.... Really I do...
9-I like to be alone...sometimes
10-I have been beat by all my girls at WII boxing.... ( I still have never beat any of them)
11- My favorite thing about my wife is her thoughtfulness.
12-After 13 years I can play the guitar and sing.... only 2 songs but still it progress...
13- My favorite game is Risk.... I have a secret desire to rule the world.
14- I have more gray hair than most people 65...
15- Jesus touched my life and I haven't been the same since....
16- I enjoy being a Daddy.....
17 -I hate to buy things... I would rather think about it, want it, complain I don't have it, than buy it and realize I shouldn't have done seems to happens everytime.
18-I inherited my Mom's feet.....and somebodies chicken legs?????
19-I have moved 24 times since in 16 years....there may be something to that gypsy blood???
20-I have a neat finger trick.
21-I have always wanted to live in Alaska, now I do.....I don't know were to go next any suggestions???
22-I love to play games.
23-I am blessed.
24-I love to look at the stars...They put me in my place.
25-My wifes Apple pie is my favorite dessert....
26-I like to give Hi-Fives as a form of praise.
27-I perfer Blogs and do not have a Facebook account.
29- I have the most beautiful woman as my wife.


  1. Interesting. Why is "I enjoy being a daddy" written so small? I have a ton of gray too and moms feet. #17-me too! #21-I'm thinking of New Hampshire. I read once of a town there described as a "Currier and Ives print come to life." How cool would it be to live there?. #29-you have the most beautiful "women" as your wife? You have more than one wife?
