Monday, February 16, 2009

Ice Trucker.....

I was driving home from Seward today and there was a accident that blocked the road after 1 1/2 hrs of sitting and waiting the State Troopers came around and said the only way around is across Longmere Lake I can't make you go but heres how to get there.....
So after thinking of every scenerio of how my van would go crashing through the ice I did it, I became a ice trucker for about 3 min.... They had a two lane road plowed across the lake with traffic going both ways this was a first for me. What a place to live where and emergency detour is across a frozen lake.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I was driving home from Anchorage today listening to talk radio. I get so mad about what is going on with things it makes me sick!!! I stopped listening to the news because it gets me so discouraged with the direction this country and the world are heading and how it is going to affect my children and our future. Then I remembered something.......
" Vanity of Vainty! all is Vainity a chasing after the wind."
How quickly I forget and we all do, that all this we see is meaningless and of no lasting value.
Jesus said, "come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest..."
So "The conclusion when all as been heard is: Fear God and keep his commandments. For God will bring every act to judgement..." Ecclesiastes12:13-14.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A little more than 25 things....

It seems to be the latest thing and since my wife asked me to here are more than 25 things about me....

1-We have moved 7 times in 6 years of marriage....if anyone has been thinking of visiting you better hurry.... Some think I have a little gypsy in my blood???
2-Like my sister Emily, I too fell into a great career. It has allowed me to live everywhere Iwanted to live.
3-Wet asphalt and cow manure both remind me of growing up.
4- And, I like the smell of them both....This is something me and my Carmell have in common...
5- Mercy, thinks I am handsome and tells me all the time....
6- I have always had a dream to write a book.
7- I keep a journal.... I think everyone should.
8-I know the meaning of Life.... Really I do...
9-I like to be alone...sometimes
10-I have been beat by all my girls at WII boxing.... ( I still have never beat any of them)
11- My favorite thing about my wife is her thoughtfulness.
12-After 13 years I can play the guitar and sing.... only 2 songs but still it progress...
13- My favorite game is Risk.... I have a secret desire to rule the world.
14- I have more gray hair than most people 65...
15- Jesus touched my life and I haven't been the same since....
16- I enjoy being a Daddy.....
17 -I hate to buy things... I would rather think about it, want it, complain I don't have it, than buy it and realize I shouldn't have done seems to happens everytime.
18-I inherited my Mom's feet.....and somebodies chicken legs?????
19-I have moved 24 times since in 16 years....there may be something to that gypsy blood???
20-I have a neat finger trick.
21-I have always wanted to live in Alaska, now I do.....I don't know were to go next any suggestions???
22-I love to play games.
23-I am blessed.
24-I love to look at the stars...They put me in my place.
25-My wifes Apple pie is my favorite dessert....
26-I like to give Hi-Fives as a form of praise.
27-I perfer Blogs and do not have a Facebook account.
29- I have the most beautiful woman as my wife.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Opening Day...

I have decided that the time has come to start my own blog. After a couple of minor confrontations on what to post and not to post on the family blog, I thought it best that you all should have my unfiltered view on things. So today is "Opening Day" for me and my blog.
So brace your self for the upcoming wisdom, insight, and humor sure to come from Pauls Perspective..... :)